Elmwood High School uses Edmentum Courseware to facilitate online courses for our students.
Decide if online learning is right for you.
Review the course options and decide which course(s) you would like to take. Some courses are for a year, some are for a semester.
Contact Mrs. Rudesill for more information about the program at the email and phone number below.
Fill out Open Enrollment Form for current or desired school year.
This is a great option for students both in and out of our district if they desire a virtual option for the upcoming 2024-25 school year.
Checklist for Enrollment
Registration Forms
These are filled out after 'Letter to Attend' is signed and returned.
Family Testimonials...

To contact us about enrollment:
Mrs. Jovanna Rudesill, Virtual Coordinator
Mr. Tom Sauve, Virtual Principal
Elmwood School District
**According to Article X, Section 3 of the Wisconsin Constitution, it states the following: “The legislature shall provide by law for the establishment of district schools, which shall be as nearly uniform as practicable; and such schools shall be free and without charge for tuition to all children between the ages of 4 and 20 years;...”
With this, our school must offer to provide a computer and internet access to all students who attend our virtual charter school free of charge.
"Where, however, access is required at home or from another non-school location, the district is responsible for ensuring that students have appropriate access free of charge. A fee for insurance for the computer can be offered to families, but this must be an optional insurance and not a requirement. No other fees may be assessed for computer or internet access."