Transcripted credit courses allow students to earn technical college credit while taking a class at Elmwood High School. Students who choose to will be co-registered at Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC) during their final semester of the course path at Elmwood High School. A CVTC transcript will then be mailed to students the summer after completion at no charge. Please see the Course Registration Book for more information on the EHS courses.
Instructions for reporting Dual Credit on UW System Application

CVTC High School Academies
CVTC now offers academies in different areas that allow for transferrable credit for students wishing to obtain a 2 or 4-year degree. More information can be found here.
Start College Now is for students wishing to take a course directly from a Wisconsin Technical College
Any student is allowed to take an AP exam. We currently offer a variety of AP classes in Geography, Art, and Music. AP classes demand a different level of rigor and contain high expectations.